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ACUVUE® Subscription

Introducing a more affordable, convenient way for your patients to experience ACUVUE® contact lenses.

The Power of Choice

The ACUVUE® Subscription Program makes the patient checkout process with ACUVUE® much easier for staff, giving patients two great payment options to choose from.


Get Started

Call Your Johnson & Johnson Vision Sales Representative or a Subscription Specialist at 1-800-876-6622






A Subscription for Success


Patients that enrolled in the ACUVUE® Subscription Program committed to almost triple (2.8x) their normal purchase quantity vs. the previous year.* 


Practices that presented the  ACUVUE® Subscription Program website effectively captured  90% of  ACUVUE®  patients with an annual supply sale or a subscription enrollment.*   


Practices that offered the ACUVUE® Subscription Program experienced an increase of 13% In annual supply sales among those patients who initially rejected an annual supply purchase.*  


*Pilot conducted from 11/17 – 7/18. Aggregated sample comprised of 127 patients from 11 Optometry offices across the U.S.