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ACUVUE® MULTIFOCAL Fitting Calculator

Find the right multifocal lens for your presbyopic patient using the ACUVUE® MULTIFOCAL Fitting Calculator.
Learn more about how to use our calculator here.

For more lens fitting tips, visit our Mastering Multifocal Learning Hub

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Enter subjective refraction or best vision sphere 

*Required | Clear All

  • Sphere*
  • Cylinder*
  • Age* 
  • ADD* 
  • Dominant Eye* 
(includes 12mm vertex calculation)


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ACUVUE® MULTIFOCAL Expert Certification:

Earn an ACUVUE® MULTIFOCAL Expert Badge on our Find an Eye Doctor Locator
After engaging in education training, you are eligible to take an assessment to test your knowledge and be designated as an ACUVUE® MULTIFOCAL Expert.

Click here to Access

Note: For the badge to appear on your practice listing on the Find an Eye Doctor Map, you must have a user account linked to your practice account number. To learn more about how to do this, click here.


Disclaimer: The Calculator is provided to clinicians for educational and convenience purposes only, in conjunction with the labeling for 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST and ACUVUE® OASYS MULTIFOCALS. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. does not engage in the practice of prescribing and this Calculator is not a substitute for appropriate professional education and training or for the exercise of independent professional judgment. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of information that this Calculator provides. Each clinical situation should be considered unique to each patient, and all treatments individualized accordingly. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. does not endorse or recommend any particular technique beyond what is contained in the product labeling, and other techniques may be appropriate in a clinicians judgment. 


Disclaimer: The Calculator is provided to clinicians for educational and convenience purposes only, in conjunction with the labeling for 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST and ACUVUE® OASYS MULTIFOCALS. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. does not engage in the practice of prescribing and this Calculator is not a substitute for appropriate professional education and training or for the exercise of independent professional judgment. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of information that this Calculator provides. Each clinical situation should be considered unique to each patient, and all treatments individualized accordingly. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. does not endorse or recommend any particular technique beyond what is contained in the product labeling, and other techniques may be appropriate in a clinicians judgment. 
