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Prioritizing Safety at Every Level

Assuring millions of patients that contact lenses are a safe and effective form of vision care with:

ACUVUE® LensAssist

ACUVUE® LensAssist promotes safe, hygienic, and successful contant lense use with free, virtual training.

Safe Use of Contact Lenses

  • CDC & AOA Guidance: We continue to advocate to millions of patients that contact lenses are still a safe and effective form of vision care with proper hygiene by reinforcing the CDC & AOA guidance on
    Centre for Ocular Research & Education: We’ve partnered with industry colleagues and CORE (Centre for Ocular Research & Education) to promote patient resources and professional discussions “on safe contact lens wear.” More information and resources you can share with patients can be found at

Delivering Safe Products

Take comfort that we will keep delivering safe products to you. We have proven success with executing robust continuity plans at our manufacturing sites and have implemented efforts to ensure we maintain service levels and the safe delivery of products. At this time, we are not experiencing product supply shortages related to COVID-19 and will continue to monitor.

Optometry Practice Reactivation Guide

We are advocating the guidance provided by the AOA, and wanted to make you aware that the AOA has published a comprehensive optometry practice reactivation guide to help with reopening your practice.


Questions? Reach out to your Sales Representative or Johnson & Johnson Customer Service at 1-800-874-5278.