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Leading the Fight to Protect Your Practice

We are the leaders in advocating for patient health & safety, elevating the doctor-patient relationship, and protecting the integrity of contact lenses as medical devices


2020 FTC Rule Update

On June 23, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced final amendments to the Contact Lens Rule ("the Rule") that impacts eye care professionals and other stakeholders.

View the Press Release How to Implement Topic Specific Positions Legislative Action CLR Updates Take Effect

Advocacy Efforts

Our industry is rapidly changing. Across the country, legislative efforts are underway to reverse patient eye health and safety protections. But we have more than just a vision for how to ensure a better future for patients. Together, we’re taking action to define it.

See How

Questions? Reach out to your Sales Representative or Johnson & Johnson Customer Service at 1-800-874-5278.